There are times, so many times when we are trying to achieve something, anything, that we feel as if we are just (the title of this post), twisting in the wind.
When we start out, we are all gung ho. Your mind has it figured out. Your soul is giving that green light that takes a bit of your breath away. Your heart is palpitating. You are damn excited, so you move forward with said thing.
So there you are pushing the pedal to the metal and, oh no, a rock in the road so to speak, an animal crosses your path. We then start to slow down. Be a bit more careful.
Now comes the little voice, are you sure? Are you sure this is what you really want to be doing?
Wait, who is that? Is it your mind? Your heart? Or is it that deep far-away voice, of your soul?
You have got to be kidding me, right? You were all for it. You said that I found my purpose. You said this is what will really make me happy. You said I found my joy. What gives? You are my soul. My divine self. My inner guide. My spiritual light of life.
Yet we twist in the wind, again.
Damn, do I start over? Find another joy? Trash this one?
No. Not this time. Not again. I get it now.
This is my test. Do I have the fortitude now to do the actual work of what I desire? Can I put all the naysayers aside and push through? Can I persuade my mind that I am right? Can I tell my heart what I feel is okay? Can I dive into my soul to reflect back to me that I have it right this time? That we are divinely connected and on the same page?
Yes, I can. Yes, we are.
Hesitation is but a road marker. A place in time to see how far you have traveled. How far you must still go. A reminder that this is the journey you, all of you, chose.
Let go and be one with the breeze.
We are but dust in the wind. The birth / life and end, we are in this lay,, be brave and flow.